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Annual Membership in the Heart Community (Spirituality of the New Age)

Experience the spiritual awakening with the 💗 Heart Community

  1. Access to astrological forecasts and energy updates
  2. Monthly live coaching session
  3. High-vibration energy transmissions for healing and liberation
  4. Quarterly healing seminar with Silvia Grupp
  5. Automatically renews for 1 year
  6. Can be canceled at any time for the next renewal period

NOTE: You can find all 💗-Community content by logging into your customer account:
and go to the membership area there.

390.00 $ / year
390.00 $ / year

Cart total

Subtotal 390.00 $
Total 390.00 $ (includes 62.27 $ VAT 19 % DE)
incl. 19% VAT 62.27 $
Recurring totals
Recurring total 390.00 $ / year (includes 62.27 $ VAT 19 % DE)
First renewal: 7. December 2025
incl. 19% VAT: 62.27 $
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