5D-Healing Lemuria Journey

Online-Recording – duration approx. 28 minutes.

In this special and exculsive meditation you can experience:

💎 yourself in the 5th dimension and connect with light grids which are important fields of information for your individual healing processes are supported by the healing energies of Lemuria

💎 your receive a gentle activation of your telepathic and clairvoyant abilities – the communication channels of the Lemurians at that time

In this journey we dive into the energy of Lemuria – which existed here on earth 12000 years ago. At that time the earth was in a paradisiacal state and the Lemurians lived there in harmony, beauty and abundance – in the 5th dimension.

The energy of Lemuria is feminine – the energy of the divine mother, a heart-centered consciousness.

The body at that time was more subtle, crystalline and people lived in peace and exchange with nature, animals and plants and subtle entities. Each soul still knew its origin and was always in connection with its galactic family.

49.00 $ incl. Tax

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